Physical therapy works as well as surgery for some with torn knee cartilage

Physical Therapy or Surgery for Torn Knee Cartilage?


Knee Joint Anatomy

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Tiny shock absorbers in the knee (each one is called a meniscus) provide a key cushion between the thighbone and the shinbone. They are prone to tearing, and sometimes just wear out.

Randy Bauer‘s insight:

Reconsider the surgical option to proceed with arthroscopic meniscectomy (repair a torn meniscus/cartilage). Undergoing a serious regimen of physical therapy to improve range of motion, restore lower extremity kinematics (how the whole lower extremity works and moves together) and improving the strength and endurance, is a viable option to maximizing functional ability.

Upon completion of a physical therapy program evaluation of functional status can be determined with your physical therapist and orthopedist to determine the successful outcome of functional return. Returning to previous level of activity is the goal. This may require some modification of activity(sports and lifestyle changes).

My experience is that my client experiences increased strength with individualized design of a conditioning program, often above their previous level. Modification of exercise may include increasing activities that reduce harmful impact to the knee-joint, such as biking and swimming.

If you have any questions regarding your situation do not hesitate to leave a comment and I will find a way to discuss this with you. Until then, Be Well, and Keep Fit. Randy Bauer

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